Our perception of what is normal
has strayed from what is natural”

Jay Prchal

As humans we all experience limiting beliefs which typically reside in our blind spots that hold us back and contribute to our suffering and dis-ease.

I specialise in bringing awareness to those beliefs and the subconscious stories we tell ourselves that dictate and shape our behaviour, relationships and ultimately our health.

My Mission

To live a simplistic, calm, no reactionary life with joy and contentment inspiring those willing to explore their emotional intelligence and consider an alternate perspective to free themselves from suffering.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in looking through new eyes”

Marcel Proust

Combining corporate leadership roles and career as a Personal Trainer, along with an extensive background in competitive swimming, my passion today is to serve others. I provide insights and strategies to live an inspired life, awakening new levels of awareness working with clients as a Holistic Coach, specialising in perspective and emotional wellbeing.

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